This article has been reproduced without permission from the author, who remains unknown at present. It's use here is not intended as a challenge to the original authors copyright and is reproduced here for the sole purpose of enhancing he Dark Angel spirrit and the warhammer 40,000 experience. If you happen to be the author, please contact me so that proper credit may be given. |

So you see, that on the charge this particular DA command squad throws only slightly less attacks than assault squad or a C:Sm veteran squad but has the highest no of power weapon attacks, being double that of veteran squads and assault squad.
For the base cost of approximately 250 points (which is the same as a basic Assault squad this command squad has armour protection, mobility and the ability to throw a comparable number of attacks and a huge number of PW attacks, if additional equipment is bought for them. It is undoubtedly a unit which has a high overall cost when appropriately equipped but I'd let you compare the following summary to get an idea on how it fits in to the overall picture of Spacemarine armies.
Below is a description of the most effective HTH units for each chapter, selected on the basis of being able to field the most number of power weapons and plasma pistols. They are all armed and equipped to the similar standard of:
1 leader cheapest leader model 1 veteran sergeant 1 Powerfist for the Veteran sergeant. All character upgrades possible taken (Apothecary, techmarine, standard bearer) Maximum number of Power weapons to any member who can be given it. Maximum number of plasma pistols to any member who can be given it. Transport Rhino/jumppack whichever is cheaper. |

Codex Dark Angels: Command Squad
Leader, PW, PP (50 + 15 + 15) = 80 Veteran Sergeant, PF, PP (15+15 + 25 + 15) = 70 5 men (5 x 15 = 75) = 75 3 characters, PW, PP (3 x 15 + 15+15) = 135 Rhino = 50
Total = 410 points |
Codex Spacewolves: Grey Hunter Squad
WG Battle leader, PW, PP (60+15+15) = 90 8 Grey Hunters, 1 PF, 1 PW, 2 PP ( 72+ 15+10+ 2x10) = 117 Standard Bearer, PW, PP ( 17+15+15) = 47 Rhino = 50
Total = 304 points |
Codex: Blood Angels: Honour Guard
Leader, PW, PP 60 Veteran Sergeant, PF, PP (18+12 + 25 + 15) 70 5 men, 2 PP, 5 PWs (5 x 18) + (2 x 15) + (5 x 10) = 170 3 characters, PW, PP (3 x 18 + 15+15) 144 Rhino 50
Total = 494 points |
Codex Spacemarine: Command Squad
Leader, PW, PP 60 Veteran Sergeant, PF, PP (18+12 + 25 + 15) = 70 5 men (5 x 18) = 90 3 characters, PW, PP (3 x 18) + (15+15) = 144 Rhino 50
Total = 414 points |

Now compare these three units to the tooled up DA command squad. As you can see the DA Command squad is slightly cheaper than the SM one, and similar in attack strength, while being significantly cheaper than the best BA squad ( I didn't bother comparing attack stats as the BA HG is tooled up specifically for CC and no one's arguing with that. As for the SW one, it's a double edged sword, as I have gone for the obviously cheaper one, rather than consider a tooled up wolfguard bodyguard, which at 25 points per WG and ability to give each a PW & PP brings the cost to 55 a model and would blow out the points.
As you can see the DA command squad the Dark Angel Command squad is nothing to be scoffed at, and in facts provides a substantial unit with a reasonably hefty close combat punch at affordable prices. An ideal unit for punching through an enemies weak points.
Fire Power - Shock Attack Role
This is the role that I envisage mostly for the Dark Angel Command Squad. The previously mentioned Shock Assault role is enticing, but will generally fail against dedicated HTH combat units/armies. However the psyche of the Dark Angels is resolute advance. Steady firepower. And in keeping with that ability consider the following unit option. Again we are using a major advantage of being able to take 15 point marines (as opposed to 18) in the command squad, particularly enabling 3 character upgrades free at that low price. |

That is a grand total of 7 stormbolters (including the 2 on the rhino), a meltagun, 4 bolters and 5 plasmapistols. That is easily double the effective firepower of a 5-man terminator squad. And it's mobile too. Think of the effect this would have if charged at the enemy line, disembarked and let loose with (at 12" range) 17 S4 Ap5 shots and a S8 Ap1 shot or 7 S4 Ap5 shots, 5 S7 AP2 shots and the S8 AP1 shot. That is a hurricane of fire.
Obviously according to the conditions you can drop some plasma pistols or even arm one or two characters with a melta-bolter combination. But the sheer volume of fire from the stormbolters will make a difference. |
Codex Dark Angels: Command Squad Armed for Fire Power - Shock Attack
Leader, Stormbolter, PP (50 + 5 + 15) 70 Veteran Sergeant, SB, PP (15+15+5 + 15 ) 50 5 men, 1x meltagun (5 x 15 = 75+10) 85 3 characters, SB, PP (3 x 15 + 5+15) 105 Rhino + PMSB (50+10) - 60
Total = 370 points |

In the presence of close combat oriented armies I thought of a tactic to use. In addition to what you see above give the standard bearer the Standard of devastation. Get the command squad to drive close to an enemy close combat unit like a large mob of boyz, perhaps, disembark within a distance that will allow the enemy to charge you, and let fly with everything you have, particularly all the stormbolters since they are assault 2 weapons. The survivors may well charge you, or a second unit (if your opponent has supported his units properly) close by will charge you. This is ideal baiting, since the opponent sees no close combat armed members in the unit. As he declares the charge, call upon the power of the Standard of Devastation, which allows you to fire once more, and this time utilise the plasmapistols. Four bolters, five plasmapistols, two stormbolters and a meltagun don't really do much for an enemies enthusiasm for close combat.
Fire Power - Shock Attack in Rawenwing Command Bike Squads.
It's similar in concept to the above. A master of RW with a 5 man bike command squad, armed with 1 meltagun and all characters upgraded and armed with either stormbolters or plasma pistols or a mix. They still have the added firepower of the twin linked boltguns mounted on the bikes. In addition, depending on the enemy, they be armed with stormbolters or plasma pistol. Drive in and let fly. Again the standard of devastation could work in a similar fashion to that in the DA army. I hope these thoughts have given you the incentive to try out the Dark Angel command squads in battle. You will likely find that they are far more effective than you had imagined. |
