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By Daniel Custodio ( Chaplain Lucifer )
This article has been reproduced with kind permission from the author.  It's use here is not intended as a challenge to the original authors copyright and is reproduced here for the sole purpose of enhancing the Dark Angel spirit and the warhammer 40,000 experience
Enemies: (Continued)

Tau: These guys  pack quite a firepower, and with their high strength basic guns, they can really chew trough RW bikes if they concentrate fire. The solution can be quite simple. Turbo boost into his lines with all you've got, using LoS blocking terrain . You may take more turns to do it, but don't let him get a bead on your squads. Once you're into assault range,  charge as many units as possible, trying to charge the crisis and broadside suits (with your power weapon toting squads) which are expensive, pack big guns and are elusive. If you have the opportunity, kill the ethereal so all his units will take leadership tests. Another cool thing is a librarian with "fear of darkness"... testing for  Ld on a 6 is not good when you're close to board edge, which is usual for Tau units. Safest place to be is in CC. Try to arrange combats so you win in his assault phase, so you're not vulnerable to his shooting. Sometimes it means you "turn off" the power weapons on the round you charge...

Imperial Guard: Well, these guys are like Tau only their basic weapons are very ineffective against bikes, but they have other things to compensate like a lot of lascannons, plasma and ordnance. You'll have to combine shooting with CC. Take out Leman Russ and Basilisks and heavy weapon teams, engaging infantry squads in Close combat. Try to flank so he can get only part of his weapons to target your squads. RW speed ought to do the trick.
If he castles himself up in a way you can't flank him, go for the missions objectives and try to stay alive, while you target his most expensive units to score points.

Chaos marines: Since there are various styles of Chaos armies, I'll subdivide them into some categories. Iron Warriors  These can be tough because they're really shooty and withstand punishment , but like always, you've got to minimise your exposure to incoming fire and get rid of ordnance and pesky obliterators. Beware the usual tooled up demon prince but a librarian with force weapon can handle him in close combat if needed be. Fortunately IW doesn't possess demons so you should be relatively safe in close combat, providing you soften up the squad you're engaging, to better your odds of success, and of course as long as you don't engage CC oriented squads like chosen...

Chaos armies with demons: These are usually of the assault style. My advice is to either stay away from icon bearing units so you won't get assaulted, but if possible, try to eliminate the icon bearer by concentrating fire on his squad. For each icon bearer you kill , the place were demons come out gets more predictable and it'll play in your favour. Khorne and Slannesh demons are the most dangerous because they are very nasty in CC, so.. stay away from them. Other than that, treat those armies like marines , but with better CC troops and the occasional defiler.

Necrons: These are tough opponents, since they don't tend to stay down after being shot. First of all you must try and eliminate Destroyers early , since they are shooty, mobile and can mince RW speeders and bikes alike in hails of fire. What you want to do is try to engage several Necrons squads at the same time in close combat (only when the time is right of course) so that the opponent can't veil/monolith teleport them all out and leave you in the open.
Ideally monolith should be destroyed as soon as possible, but since RW doesn't have lascannons and melta weapons don't get bonus, it's a tough nut to crack. To kill wraiths (speedy little things) use massed bolter fire, since they have an invulnerable save. If you happen to have flamers, these work good against scarab swarms. A librarian with fear of darkness can possibly disrupt Necrons plans a bit since they usually are all bunched up.. it's a long shot, but if they test on Ld 8 some squads are bound to fail it. One thing that night help you is take out the Necron lord, since he's usually equiped with veil of darkness and the nasty resurrection orb so the fallen ones from instant-kill and power weapons won't come back.

Witch-hunters (sisters of battle): Sisters are numerous and armed with bolters, heavy bolters, melta weapons and acts of faith, they match Ravenwing firepower. So once again, use hit and run tactics and flank attacks so they cannot get their weapons to bear. With the exception of some squads, sisters are not very good at taking out bikes in close combat, so engaging them in close combat can be an option if you find yourself outgunned. Beware of acts of faith though, they can swing things on their favour.

Demon Hunters (Grey knights): They're tough, but luckily they're few and expensive. Use multi-meltas to take out terminators at range and multi-shot weapons (and meltas) to kill powered armour grey knights. Once again don't expose yourself to incoming GK fire.. they have a lot of storm bolters. Don't use turbo boost unless you are absolutely safe since psycannons/incinerators will make mincemeat of turbo boosting bikes.

I hope this article will brought some good advice too you.
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