Doctrinae Unforgiven
The room was carved out of solid rock. Plasteel girders held the walls in place, holding on to a single light that was dangling from the ceiling. Two bunks lay in the far corner, and to desks set opposite each other, also against the rock wall. Small computers lay on the desks, displaying a broken sword through a pair of bird wings. The symbol of the Unforgiven. Gideon strolled to a closet next to the desk on  his right. He found it empty upon inspecting it, and reached to put his sparring gear into it. "You might as well dump that in the hall." A clear voice announced behind him.

"Excuse me?" Gideon said turning to face him.

"Dump your sparing gear in the hall. You won't need it anymore. We spar without equipment. You couldn't put it in there anyway, it's  made to hold weapons."

Gideon looked inside the closet. The other marine was right. There was enough room for a bolt pistol and maybe a chainsword inside. It was deep-set, but narrow, and had a recharge interface on running down the side. "Thanks." Gideon said.

"The  names Sergai, your Gideon, right? So you're in assault training now." "Yeah, or so I'm told." He replied

"Do I need to show you how to put on your armor?" Asked Sergai. "I don't have any armor yet, but it wouldn't hurt."

Sergai Walked to a smooth part of the left wall and placed his hand on it. A green light circled his hand, then turned blue. A section of wall, big enough for a marine  to walk through opened up in front of him. He turned around and backed into the  wall. Two loud snaps echoed from the room. When Sergai walked out, green armor covered his legs. A plasteel shell was attached to the pelvic armor and in turn, supported the power plant. Sergai drew his breastplate from the same closet. It locked into place then screwed itself in, whirring methodically. His shoulder pads followed soon after, locking into place just next to his collarbone. Gideon was amazed at how fast and easy it was to gear up. He inspected Sergai's armor  from the doorway. It was a little worn, showing patches were the plasteel armor  had given way and had to be replaced. The breastplate held an Imperial Eagle, its' twin heads showing signs of rust and wear. The boots made a thick ringing noise as they connected with the rock floor.

"It's real easy to maneuver once you get the jest of it." Sergai stated.

"Speaking of which, when does training begin?" Asked Gideon.

"Fifteen minutes ago, when I told you about your locker."

"I thought that was just an introductory."

"That is only for initiates. True marines are tutored by veterans." Sergai stopped to take a deep breath. "Unfortunately the last campaign took a heavy toll on us.

"It seems like it, what happened?"

"Obliterators. We just couldn't overrun them in time. Five marines dead in only 20 yards."

"Obliterators?" Gideon asked with a puzzled look.

"Giant demons of chaos, they are neither man, nor machine. They grow any weapon they want and have thick metal skin." Sergai said with a grim look. Gideon could tell that he did not want to pursue this conversation any further. The computer to Gideon's right emitted a loud ringing sound, then the sword slid upward from the wings, and they left via their respective sides.

"This is Logistics Command, come in Gideon, over." A small voiced said over a wave of static. Gideon tapped the flashing red button on the keyboard and replied. "Logistics Command, this is Gideon, over."

"Uh,  roger that...your needed in maintenance bay 5A, over."

"On my way Logistics Command, over."

"Logged, Logistics Command out."

"Looks like I'm in the bag today." Gideon said to Sergai "anything else I need to know?" "Yeah, welcome to the Falcon Blades."

With  that, Sergai commenced to remove his armor. Gideon turned on his heels, and walked out the door. It was just a short ways to the maintenance corridor. He didn't know much about it, except that they fit you for all your armor and weapons there. Right before they torture you. All the other Marines called it "being in the Bag" because of the devices that the apothacarions use to hold you in position. Passing several servitors, Gideon eventually made his way to the Plasma Lift.

"Hold still, if you move, we have to start all over again." The techmarine was holding a bowl shaped piece of metal and plugging a thick, black cord into a small hole on the side of it. He placed the caliper on Gideon's head, and he felt the small sensors adjust to fit his face. After leaving his dorm, Gideon had found himself in a dark room filled with lots of computers, and one chair. Except for the hot, stale air created by the computers, the room was surprisingly comfortable. Numbers started flashing on the computer next to them. Malachai started to write them down as they were locked into the screen. When he was done writing on the pad, he took the helmet off of Gideon's head. He watched as Malachai pulled a small chip out of the pad, and placed it into another machine. A wire frame diagram built itself from the top of the screen. An outer crust was molded over it, creating a perfect replica of what his helmet would look like.

Malachai turned to him and pointed towards the screen. Watching his finger bathe in the  green light, Gideon listened to him speak. "This is the last diagram we need to finish your armor." Malachai straitened his back. "It will be done by the end of next month. Until then, keep yourself out of trouble. You may want to stay away from the senior marines until you have drawn your first blood in this armor. They don't like pre-mature initiates like yourself."
"This has happened before?" Asked Gideon.

"Yes,  every once in a while we get hit hard during a campaign." Replied Malachai. The intercom squealed, then a voice filled the room. "Gideon, please report to melee training, floor D, room 9. Repeat, Gideon please report to melee training, floor D, room 9."

"See  you later Malachai."

Gideon turned and left the room, a wave of cold air rushed over him ruffling his hair.  He walked through the door on floor D, feeling a trickling sensation on his forehead. Instinctively, Gideon jumped back into the hallway as a piece of metal rang off the stone wall. He could hear Asmond cursing in the room, his voice muffled by  the rock wall that lay between them. Getting up and dusting himself off was a challenge through his anger. Still wiping blood off the cut on his head, he stormed through the door. Terphyli was being scolded by Asmond. The sergeant was leaning over the recruit, almost bending him over backwards. A giant finger was digging into the recruit's chest as Asmond spoke to him. Actually, it was more like growling Gideon thought.  After getting a tongue lashing, Terphyli dropped onto his face and started pushing his body up. Each time he extended his arms to their maximum reach, he yelled control and a number. Asmond started walking towards Gideon.
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Never Ending Fables
Epics of Redemption
Fables of the Unforgiven
Tomes of Valour
Sagas of the Fallen Angels
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This story has been reproduced with permission from the author. Many terms used in this story (such as Space Marine, Eldar, and others) are Trademarks of Games Workshop, Inc. Their use here is not intended as a challenge to said trademarks.