By Lim Hao Ming (Eastern Heretic)
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These images have been reproduced here with the kind permission of  Lim Hao Ming (Code nme: Eastern Heretic) 
Venerable Brother Tzadkiel
(Angel of divine justice.)
Twin linked Autocannon, DCCW

Tzadkiel's was a venerated member of the Deathwing who had been battleing the foes of the Imperium and the fallen for over three centuries. On one such campaign, he was mortaly wounded in action during the destruction of a tyranid invasion of a hive world for which his actions were instrumental in this hard fought victory. It was due to his stubborn refusal to die and his new found undying hate for all things tyranid that he was able to survive long enough for his broken body to be recovered by the apothecaries and interred within the mighty sarcophagus of a Dreadnought .

Tzadkiel is renowned within Chapter and througout the Imperium for his aggressive Lightning swift use of his Dreadnought close combat weapon. Because of this reputation and his desire to mangle every Hive Tyrant that he comes across when ever engaged in combat with a Tyranid Swarm that the Techmarines have fitted the Dreadnought, with the Twin Linked Auto cannon, along eith his close combat power fist. This enables Tzadkiel to take out the Tyrant Guards with ease from afar while he closes in for Close Combat with the Hive tyrant.

Tzadkiel has defied the odds when in combat with the mcuh feared Hive Tyrant, and has claimed many a scalp from this beast. Till date Tzadkiel continues his crusade for the hunt of the fallen, occassionally punctuated with the taking of another Hive Tyrant!!
Deathwing Squads  Pervicacious & Efficacious

The heart of the Strike Force Pernicious, the two Deathwing squads in Tactical dreadnought armour have been armed long range weaponry to aid in their efforts against all foes!. Both Squads Efficacious and Pervicacious have been fighting along side Master Leoric for over a century and have evolved in to highly disciplined long range killer squads.

They are extremely skilled at rapidly laying down withering fire and trapping an advancing enemy within their fire lanes to break up the attack. Similarly, they have a high degree of precision strike capacity on the offense, demolishingthe defenders as they advance to the close combat range of their powerfists.
Legions of the Unforgiven
Sanctum of Heroes
Deathwing Strike Forces
Ravenwing Strike Forces
Composite Battle Forces
EPIC Battle Forces
Battle Fleets of the Unforgiven
Battle Fields of the Unforgiven
The Fallen Brothers.