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Legions of the Unforgiven
By Aaron Lovejoy
The Battle Barge Olympus shuttered as it came out of the warp. Servitors quickly began reanimating the space marines from their hibernation chambers. Amazingly they were right back where they started from, hovering over the Fortress Dementia Crosas. There was something horribly wrong though. Their fortress was a wasteland. The marines quickly overcame the workers in the junkyard.

Chaplain James interrogated a few of the survivors. His fury was such that some of the prisoners died from his gaze alone. The foreman of the junk yard however, had open contempt for these so called traitor marines. His last words before the Chaplain ripped him in two were, "You will die like Dogs!" Chaplain James decreed,"If we are to die like dogs, then from now on we shall be known as the Dogs of War!"
He vowed to spend the rest of his days hunting down all who betrayed them. Even the Emperor would answer to him. Short of supplies and vehicles the Dogs of War began combing the junk yard for spare parts and supplies. One marine was killed by an incredibly ferocious junk yard dog named Ronin. Chaplain James had the Apothecaries begin the transformation process to turn this beast into a lethal space marine. Some say that Chaplain James offered some of his own gene-seed but most think that it was probably the gene-seed of Grand Master Magnus. Either way this dog would be feared by friend and foe alike and was always seen fighting by the side of it's master Chaplain James. The Dogs of War are hungry for redemption, they are ready for WAR!
These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Aaron Lovejoy
Sanctum of Heroes
Deathwing Strike Forces
Ravenwing Strike Forces
Composite Battle Forces
EPIC Battle Forces
Battle Fleets of the Unforgiven
Battle Fields of the Unforgiven
The Fallen Brothers.