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By Matthew Green
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The original owner of this strike force remains unknown. These images have been reproduced here courtesy of  Warlock's Lair.
Background details written by Shadow Guard
Legions of the Unforgiven
Tactical Squads Primus Secundus and Tertius

The three tactical squads are maintained at full strength and armed to the teeth. They are all mobile with their own generic rhino transports which enables them to concentrate their strength rapidlly against the numerically superior orkish forces.
The rhinos themselves tend to act in concert with the strike forces' other armoured vehicles after deploying the troops. The additional firepower adding to the mayhem and extra armour on all vehicles adding protection.
Another unusual aspect of this particular force under commander Uriel is that his chaplain usually leads their fast attack elements, mounted on his bike ansd accompanied by a techmarine. These forces are very active in hit and run actions against the lumbering orkish hordes and in enveloping them at critical points in battle.
Two attack bikes complement the mobile heavy fire support, but again breaking with the codex astartes one has been retrofitted with a heavy flamer as a battlefield modification by the techmarines and has been very effective in dealing with the massive hordes of orks.

The land speeders are armed with complimenting weaponry, the heavy short range ounch of the multimelta complimented by the mid ranged rapid firing heavy bolter. The bike squadron usually forms the mobile attack wing, joining their chaplain and techmarine in bringing righteous fury down upon the orks.
The heavy punch of the strike force comes from its devastator squad, landraider and predator annihilator. The devastators, armed with a variety of heavy weapons are able to meet any fire support requirements and usually begin the battle placed startegically. Occasionally they take to travelling within the
safe confines of the landraider to reach good firng positions. The Predator Annihilator and Landraider have an ominous presence on the battlefield, dominating it with their arsenal of long range high penetration lascannons. The predator tends to be the premier tank hunter, true to it's name while the landraider acts in a myriad of battlefield duties, including being a mobile reserve by itself.
Sanctum of Heroes
Deathwing Strike Forces
Ravenwing Strike Forces
Composite Battle Forces
EPIC Battle Forces
Battle Fleets of the Unforgiven
Battle Fields of the Unforgiven
The Fallen Brothers.