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By Matthew Webster
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These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Matthew Webster.
Legions of the Unforgiven
Fire Squad Primus & Veteran Sgt. Vettius

Fire Squad Primus: This reliable squad is usually the anchor of the Dark Angels' defense.  Its main role is to provide support fire and hold positions indefinitely.  Heavy Bolter fire and a sacred plasma gun do much to destroy incoming foes.  This unit often works in tandem with Breach Squad Primus, keeping a steady stream of cover fire on the enemy while Beorthnoth and his men advance.  Veteran Sgt. Vettius: from the inner sphere of the Imperium, Vettius is the perfect example of a space marine, everything he does is by the book, he values defensive positions and uses it always to his advantage.
Ancient Peleus:

This mechanized behemoth is roused from its stasis slumber only in the direst of emergencies.  Huge and ancient engines power this sarcophagus and its armaments. A twin linked lascannon rains death from afar, while in close combat the powerfist and heavy flamer pile the enemy corpses high. Peleus has given four centuries of service to the Emperor, although
Red Talons Scout Squad & Sgt. Hawkmoon

Red Talons Scout Squad: These men aspire to be inducted as full fledged Dark Angels Tactical Marines some day, most of this unit is a mix of recruits from the various worlds the A.A.F come in contact with.  The unit fills many roles but usually serves as reconnaissance for information.  Equipped with a variety of weapons the Red Talons can defend or assault as needed. 

Sgt. Hawkmoon:  A lifer in the Red Talons, he loves moving through the dense terrain of forests and is adept at remaining unseen by enemy eyes. Hawkmoon is a patient soldier, sometimes waiting days for the perfect opportunity to attack.
Breach Squad Secundus & Veteran Sgt. Aetius:

Breach Squad Secundus:  The elite unit of the force, these troops are hand picked by Severus for their skill and ferocity.  Using jump packs this unit can quickly close with an enemy and scatter them with their vicious assault.  This unit has earned more honors and claimed more confirmed kills than any other unit in the force. Chainswords and bolters are the standard issue armaments but plasma pistols are available when necessary.  Chaplain Severus often leads this unit into battle, the litanies of hatred and war ringing in the marine's ears.  Veteran Sgt. Aetius: survivor of nearly a century of war, this soldier has both great skill and tremendous luck.  He has survived attacks that should have vaporized him, and his men look at him with a mixture of awe and superstition, they believe him blessed by the Emperor and impervious to death.  Aetius relies on the raw energy of his power fist to carry the day in battle, withstanding the attacks of his adversaries the whine of the servo engines in the power fist is often the last thing his enemies hear.
Fire Squad Secundus & Veteran Sgt. Rock

This Devastators unit provides heavy fire support for assaults against tanks or deeply entrenched objectives.  The squad has access to LasCannons, Multimeltas, Heavy Bolters, and Plasma Cannons.  More often than not this unit is held back from the swirling death of melee and positioned in a fortified location with a good view of the battlefield. Veteran Sgt. Rock: Recruited from the Ice World of Valhalla, his original name long since forgotten, he is referred to now as simply "Sgt. Rock", silent & brooding he seems without emotion, never carried away by the fever of battle nor swayed by fear in the least.  Sgt. Rock is one of Quadratus' most valued NCO's and his trust in him is not misplaced.
Winged Vengeance:

A much used (and abused) Predator Destructor model.  This stubborn vehicle was used as the main thrust of most assaults, and as a result has suffered serious structural damage.  Salvaged from near total destruction more times than Techmarine Petrus cares to remember, this Predator is a shell of its former might.  Both side sponsons have been completely destroyed and since removed. The turret is welded in place and can no longer rotate, the onboard computer is smashed beyond repair and the tank must be piloted manually (a spotter poking his head out of the turret and directing the operator!). Winged Vengeance has been mounted with a heavy dozer blade and a storm bolter (to help augment its lessened firepower) and is often used as a diversionary ploy in battle, feinting an attack while the real strike materializes elsewhere.
physically shattered this ancient Marine's mind and tactical sense are still razor sharp.  When he wakens from his slumber he knows what is expected of him.  Total Carnage.
Sanctum of Heroes
Deathwing Strike Forces
Ravenwing Strike Forces
Composite Battle Forces
EPIC Battle Forces
Battle Fleets of the Unforgiven
Battle Fields of the Unforgiven
The Fallen Brothers.