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These images are the original works of the Shadow Guard, Keeper of the Fortress.
Legions of the Unforgiven
                                                                                Rhino MkIII - "Thragos Pattern"
The Command squad is mounted on a Rhino Mk III "Thragos Pattern" armoured personnel carrier which also functions as his command vehicle. Zadakile favoured the use of a Razorback as his command vehicle but his own in his own inimicable style of leading fromthe front required a vehicle with more internal space and a larger contingent of body guard to support him on his assaults. Armed with two stormbolters, smoke dischargers and extra armour protection, it is often seen charging ahead to assault enemy lines.
Command Squad Zadakiel

The command element of Force Epsilon Kraxus, which led the assault landing planetside with such distinction. Commanded by the relatively young but dynamic Zadakiel, Master of the Second Company of the Shadow Guards chapter. His command squad comprises entirely of members of the inner circle of the Shadow Knights. The command Rhino is armed with a stormbolters and protected by the usual array of extra armour and smoke launchers.

The Command squad is composed of a full nine man squad who join the grandmaster in battle. This includes the Techmarine, Apothecary and Standard bearer. The squad is armed with a heavy bolter for suppressive fire, and a flamer for close in asssault. Led by Veteran Sergeant Idazier, these men are sworn to protect their commander at all costs.
Tactical Squad(I) Araziel

Company II, Shadow Guards Chapter, Epsilon Kraxus Sector

This five man squad is lead by Veteran Sergeant Araziel, who was inducted in to the sixth level of the Inner Circle of the Shadow Knights after his exemplary conduct in the Kraxus Prime Assault landings. He is armed with a power sword and bolt pistol. The squad consists of five Shadow Guards, three armed with their customary bolters while the fouth wields a powerful meltagun and the fifth carries an ancient lascannon. They are mounted on a Razorback Mk IV (Thragos pattern) armed with twin-linked Lascannons and protected by extra armour plating and smoke launchers. This allows rapid battlefield maneuverability and mobile heavy fire power.

The holo-vids below show the squad deploying for action along with more details of the unique changes imparted by the Thragos Pattern on thier Razorbacks. Tactical Squad Araziel is mounted on a Razorback Mk III "Thragos Pattern". Armed with the heavy anti-tank armament of twin linked lascannon it is the premier antitank platform in the force. Smoke dischargers and extra armour protection are standard fit on all razorbacks.
Sanctum of Heroes
Deathwing Strike Forces
Ravenwing Strike Forces
Composite Battle Forces
EPIC Battle Forces
Battle Fleets of the Unforgiven
Battle Fields of the Unforgiven
The Fallen Brothers.
Member of the Inner Circle