Gathering of the Bolter + Chainsword:

From the battlefields of the Black Library Sales counter we then converged on to the opposite side, to lay waste to the mighty forgeworld counter. This was a longer counter but naturally more crowded. Slowly infiltrating the lines of hobbyists I one again found the mighty Argos facing off with the GW employee, rattling off orders to the dumb-founded soul. Legend has it that it was the mighty Argos who single handedly captured the last of the pre-heresy dreadnoughts leaving the fierce Kurgan to deal with one of the remaining pre heresy landraiders in his frustration. I myself managed to subdue a handful of pre heresy dreanought arms and parts, and in the scuffle captured one of the MkIIb landraiders. The mod squad walked away from the forgeworld counter, heavily laden with loot and bounty. 

It was then that we met up with yet another personality from the B+C. Brother Lorien of the "Dynamic terminators" fame was there to greet us. It was good meeting someone so talented and with whom I had had much contact on the net. Accompanying him was a unique watcher model that he himself had sculpted. From there it was time to retire to a base camp up in the podiums, to lay down our loot, catch our breath and re-evaluate the battleground.
Gathering of the B+C:

From left to right, front row: Kurgan (standing), Mrs Kurgan (Amy), Theoderic (David) and Brother Argos.

Back row, Aurelius Rex and Brother Lorien.

Time for rest and rejuvenation. short break before gathering our forces to battle towards the golden demon section.
Gathering of the B+C:

From left to right: Brother Lorien, Theoderic (David) and Brother Argos (David Johnson). On the far left bottom corner you can see the rear logo of the new B+C T-shirts. The bent back belongs to Kurgan (Matthew Hunt). Why is he bent over????

Brother Lorien had two entries for Golden Demon copetition but I was disappointed to hear that the searing heat wave in Europe had interfered with his painting and completion of the Deathwing diorama. Perhaps next year.
After we roamed some of the other attractions, namely the forgeworld section where development on the Imperial Armour volume II was well on its way. Images of space marine vehicles were displayed and I look forward to this fantastic tome. I already own the first book, which is an excellent and very professional product well worth the £45.00 price tag.

I manged to make contact with Owen rees, who was behind the scenes working on the real time web update of the Gamesday. We planned a rendezvous at the spacemarine statue at 1230hrs. By this time Brother Amarel from the B+C had also joined forces with us. With the reinforced mod squad we made our way to meet up with the man who was the champion for the Dark Angels within GW.

It was once again a pleasure to meet the ever smiling Owen, who had been allowed to leave his work station for a short lunch break. Brother Lorien presented the sculpted watcher to Owen, a model where the watcher was pointing with one arm while holding a hammer behind his back. A hilarious sculpture, one that we hope to see painted up and displayed on Owen's outpost site. In a moment of absurd lack of memorry I completely forgot to take any photographs at all with Owen and the mod squad. By this time, the Golden Demon section was once more opening for entry and we rushed to the fore and joined yet another queue. This time however we were quite far ahead of the rest so didn't have long to wait.
Gathering of the B+C:

From left to right:  Brother Argos (David Johnson) Shadow Guard (Murali) and Kurgan (Matthew Hunt).

Caught off guard the mod squad displays the B+C T-shirt past and present. I was of course out of uniform, but hey, atleast I was wearing a white shirt.
Games Day UK 2003 B+C Meetup
Games Day UK 2003 B+C Meetup
Games Day UK 2003 B+C Meetup
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