Two weeks later...

++++TELEPATHIC DUCT: Classified++++
++++TO: Supreme Grand Master Azrael and the Inner Circle++++
++++FROM: Interrogator Chaplain Bish, Third Company Angelica Mortis++++
++++THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: "The weed of chaos bears bitter fruit."++++

My Masters,

It is with great reluctance that I call the mission on Dakoler a success. While we did manage to capture Fallen Dark Angel #4273 the cost is one that I would not wish to pay again. The Blood Angels fought hard but the taint of the Fallen would never have allowed them to succeed.

The Interrogation of #4273 has proceeded as expected. I believe that there is no hope for his redemption except at the point of my Blades of Reason. His years spent in the grip of Chaos have reduced him to a gibbering mad man. It is a wonder he was able to fool the Blood Angels at all. He keeps repeating the name Dragan as if it had some great significance to him. We also found hidden in his robes a star chart. It pinpoints the position of what we believe is a secret base on the planet Lelithar in the Agripinaa sector. His Ramblings also lead me to believe that there may be Fallen there. This would coincide with the sightings of the one that purports to be the Voice of the Emperor and the Madness that is overtaking that sector. I have sent a scout mission to ascertain that the base is there. We are ready to strike if it is found. We will bring them to redemption.

I would like to recommend that Sergeant Duma and the Marines of Scout Squad Karoz be remembered on the walls of the Tower of Angels. Never have I seen Dark Angels fight so valiantly in the face of certain destruction. They would have made the Lion proud.

For the Lion,

Interrogator Chaplain Bish

++++End Transmission++++
At the same time on the surface of Dakoler the Dark Angels Predator had been destroyed. Blood Angels perched on the hills inside the confines of the mine had a perfect vantage point over the battlefield and they were using it to their advantage. The Baal Predator began laying down cover fire for the Terminators crossing the bridge. Its twin-linked Assault Cannons spraying into the advancing Dark Angel Tactical Squads. Dreadnought Ahadiel once again opened fire on the Predator with his Lascannons this time they hit their mark and turned the Predator into a smoking hulk. One of the three Ravenwing Land Speeders had already fallen to Lascannon fire, but the two that were left made there way forward to cover the Scouts moving against the Terminators. Just as the Scouts were in charging range of the Terminator squad, two blasts of red-hot Melta fire came from the hills across the polluted green river. A Blood Angels Attack Bike and Dreadnought both armed with Mulit-Melta's had fired on the Land Speeders. One Land Speeder immediately dropped from the sky in a pile of Molten Slag. The second pilot in a feat that only a member of the Ravenwing could pull off, banked to the left and then back to the right completely dodging the Melta blast.
Gathering of Angels Mission Battle Report
Narrated by Brother Bish
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The Blood Angels Sergeant swung with his Powersword but it was reflected off of Bish's Rosarius. The force of the conversion field pushed the Sergeant back. Bish lunged and thrust his Crozius forward with such force that the Sergeants chest armor crumpled beneath it. As Bish moved to finish him, the Sergeant held up his hand and asked between labored gasps "Why... did... you... do... this...?"

Bish raised his Crozius for the final blow and said, "I do this for the Lion and redemption!"

Bish saw that the battle would soon be over. He signaled the Dark Angel troops to continue their advance on the Blood Angels. They would all have to die. The only thing standing between him and his quarry was the Dreadnought crossing the bridge. Bish ordered his squad forward and with a few well-placed Powerfists they stopped the behemoth.
Bish and his Squad began heading toward the Blood Angel Terminators. As they advanced two more Scouts fell to the Powerfists of the Blood Angels. Only Sergeant Duma remained. Armed with his Chainsword he tore into one more Terminator killing him. The Blood Angels Sergeant raised his Powersword to strike Duma.

The last remaining Ravenwing Land Speeder made it's way across the Blood Angels lines and began hitting them from behind. The crew's hearts were filled with vengeance for their fallen comrades as they emptied their Heavy Bolter into the Blood Angels troops. The Blood Angel Attack Bike tried once more to destroy the Land Speeder, but failed and he too felt the wrath of the Ravenwing.

Chaplain Bish reached the melee as the Blood Angel Sergeant struck Duma with his Powersword. As Duma fell dead, Bish gritted his teeth and waded into the Blood Angels with his Crozius Arcanum swinging.His righteous anger reached a fever pitch as he smashed and killed two of the three remaining Terminators.
Sergeant Duma led his Scouts forward into the fray. He knew they would follow him anywhere, even to this certain death. The Blood Angel Terminators turned to meet them as the fearless Scouts piled in. The chance was thin that the Scout's weapons could actually penetrate the thick Tactical Dreadnought Armor. However two scouts immediately began working their weapons into the weakest part of one of the Terminators. Their persistence paid off. Before they could be pulled off the Scouts had penetrated deep enough to deliver a fatal wound. The death of that first Terminator made it seem that perhaps the overwhelming numbers of the Scouts might actually be able to stop the Terminators. But, the Powerfists of the Terminators quickly quelled that hope. Three of the ten Scouts were crushed by the swinging blows of the remaining four Terminators. But the Scouts didn't stop coming. Their Sergeant, a member of the Deathwing, had instilled in them the stubbornness that the Dark Angels are known for. They would fight to the very last man. The Dark Angels Devastator Squads positioned in the hills laid down more suppressing fire as the three Tactical Squads, Raziel, Alatus Mortis and Occultus Veridicus moved forward to try and support the Scouts fighting ahead of them. Inside the Blood Angels compound, the forces returned fire, trying to unsuccessfully thin the ranks of the Dark Angels. The Blood Angels Dreadnought began making his way to the bridge to back up the Terminators fighting on the other side. Four more scouts fell to the killing blows of the Terminators. The Blood Angels power weapons slicing and crushing through the Scouts weaker armor. As the Blood Angel Terminator Sergeant raised his Powersword to strike again, the sky suddenly turned pitch black. With a loud crack a bright flash of green light seemed to cover the sky from horizon to horizon. The fighting subsided for just a moment as the green light engulfed the battlefield. As the light dissipated, both sides could make out six new combatants in the middle of the battlefield, Interrogator Chaplain Bish and his retinue. The fighting began again in earnest.

The Deep Strike had put Chaplain Bish right where he wanted to be. It appeared that Sergeant Duma and the rest of his Squad had been able to hold off the Terminators just long enough.
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As the rest of the Unforgiven battled with what remained of the Blood Angels, Brother Bish and his squad made their way into the mine searching for their former brother. To Bish's surprise he found the Fallen Angel huddled in a corner babbling to himself. The Fallen gave himself up quite willingly, as if he had expected to be caught all along. Bish knew that what had happened here had been planned, but by whom.