23 February 2002 Two whole months without updates! Well, slowly the Fortress site is being reactivated with two new armies in the Librarium Corona Intimus and yet another piece of fiction by Stephen King in the Librarium Fabulosus section. Stephen King is the first battle brother to contribute five items for the Fortress and thus has earned the green purity seal as seen in the Halls of Honour
01 March 2002
Today this site celebrates it's first birthday. Leaving its infancy behind and forging ahead to continue to support the Unforgiven chapters in their life long crusade in the service of the emperor. The Keeper of the Fortress would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed and supported this site since its conception.
To celebrate the event the Fortress is hosting a Dark Angel Army Contest open to all Dark Angel players.
09 March 2002 An article on an easy but effective way of painting a power weapon contributed by Zach Tong has been added to the "Apothecarium Technologia" section
16 March 2002 Another Dark Angel Force, Strike Force Angelus Enigmaticus, has been sighted and is showcased in the Librarium Corona Intimus An intrigueing piece of fiction gathered from imperial records gives a different perspective on the persona of Cypher. Brilliantly conceived and written by Lucius2, I have taken it upon myself to edit it to a degree. Read the "Angel in the Shadows"
06 April 2002 Once more a further two Dark Angel Strike Forces have been sighted speeding to bring the emperor's justice to his enemies. Librarium Corona Intimus now sports a new Deathwing army led by Master of Deathwing Lordrake and a regular dark Angel force code named Strike Force Valhallan led by Master Uriel.
In addition the links section in the Adeptus telepathica has been reveamped and separated according the legions and their successors. |