As important note: in terms of real battle all reptilians are treated exactly as machines they replace. Only exception is being subject of stupidity instead of  hard terrain test. White dragon does not follow stupidity rule as it's mind is controlled by his rider-  Grand Master himself.

Penitents do not have access to multitude of weapons available to other chapters, thus their most characteristic weapons of choice are flamers. If tactical squad  is equipped in heavy weapon it has to be a heavy flamer, all devastator squads have to got at least two of them.

Most certainly Enlightened Ones -most characteristic unit of chapter and most revered one- are embodiment of beliefs of Penitents. Some battle brothers after years of service are announced by Grand Master as ones that repented for their sins and are ready for making final sacrifice which will cleanse all what's left evil in and around them. They are fighting their last battle in units of assault marines equipped only with explosive materials, launching themselves at enemy with war cry of Penitents.

Due to reasons above Penitents are acting as relatively small,  fast, hard hitting force, specialized in fighting in jungle environment. Chapter only recently has made contact with Imperial forces and so far it's homeworld remains Penitents' main battlefield. On numerous occasions black- armored battle brothers protected lands of Styga from incursions of Chaos, as well as various alien invasions. Lack of own fleet did not allowed chapter to take part in any huge campaign of Imperial forces and so far chapter remains at it's hidden position, uncertain of it's future fate and it's place in eternal struggle.

Battle cry:  Per Ignum Ad Salvationem!
(Through fire to salvation)

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Chapter organization:

Entire chapter is led by Chaplains with Grand Master - at the same time head of chapter and highest  priest of religious order. There are no librarians as there was none of them between survivors- some of spiritual powers connected to their office in other chapters is being wielded by Confesors.

Chapter consists of 6 companies, each of them divided into 6 squads, each of them 6 man strong.  Number of terminator armors is more then limited as there are only 12 original suits that were on board of "Galatea". In entire history of Penitents it never happened to send all of them to the battle, although there is a legend persisting amongst brethren that when world will stand in fire again they will appear on the field of battle and save what will remain of humanity.

Penitents do not have any vehicles- chapter learned from his tribal followers how to control various reptilian races  which are nowadays used as replacement for machines. Bikes have been replaced by large, two legged predators which do not suffer so much from hard terrain. Huge, flying gliders made for landspeeders- they are almost as fast (and certainly as vulnerable), although their bad temper can be really hard to control, especially considering fact that they are not capable of taking up with armored riders on their backs. It is rumored that Grand Master is capable of summoning to his will white dragons from their lairs in Catnar mountains but  so far there are no evidences if that story is something more then legend.
Doctrinae Unforgiven
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EPIC Strategy
Gathering of Angels
Apocrypha Caliban
Codex Astartes Angelus Mortis
Legio Infitiales Venia
Battle Honours
By Marcin Radoslav Kurcewski
This article has been published with the kind permission of Marcin Radoslav Kurcewski. Planetary image created by Shadow Guard
Olympus Honoris: Participant in the "Ye Angels Gather" Competition 2004
Olympus Honoris: Participant in the "Ye Angels Gather" Competition 2004