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By Fabio van der Merve
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These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Fabio van der Merve. 
Strike force background written by the Shadow Guard.
Legions of the Unforgiven
Sarel leads the second Deathwing squad, outfitted for extreme close combat. Armed with a combination of lightning claws, Thunder Hammers and the cleansing flames of a Heavy Flamer this squad usually deploys from the Crusader varient of the landraider directly on to the enemies frontlines.
The third Deathwing squad maintains the fire support role with their Cyclone Missile launchers and storm bolters. The sergeant is armed with a power weapon and stormbolter.
The landraider crusader is the transport of choice for Epstolery fabian. He is usually accompanied by the six strong close combat Deathwing squad led by Veteran Sergeant Sarel. The tales of their combat assault upon the enemy front lines is all but legendary.
Ahadiel and his four strong command squad trave in the standard Phobos pattern land raider. Their role is n support of Fabian during assaults while the vehicle itself has immense fire power in the fire support role. Ahadiel has obviously made modificatiosn to the interior of his command vehicle to enable the imprisonment and rapid interrogation of any captured enemy, especially those of the fallen brothers.
Providing the heavy and long range fire support for Strike Force Fabian are two venerated battle brothers, interrd in their sarcophagus for eternity. Their battle prowess and deeds in their mortal life had ensured their continued service to the chapters within their adamantium tombs. Armed for fire support they have eschewed their close combat arms, the devastating effects of lascannon and autocannon are supported by their missile launchers.
Sanctum of Heroes
Deathwing Strike Forces
Ravenwing Strike Forces
Composite Battle Forces
EPIC Battle Forces
Battle Fleets of the Unforgiven
Battle Fields of the Unforgiven
The Fallen Brothers.