Vengeancewing highcommand veteran hunters found Aetherion on Yragael Urm, where eldar troops had staked out a claim, but also where the tomb of Athuan had been found. In the confused conflict, sadly the vengeancewing had to battle their erstwhile comrades, the spacewolves for control of the planet as a cover for their mission to investigate Aetherion's presence. Appearing to loose the battle for the planet, they however achieved their primary objective of capturing Aetherion and took him for trial. Lengthy interrogations and trials followed and it was found that it was in fact the enigmatic fallen angel called Cypher who had instigated the uprising on Zion Prime. Following a number of grueling tests and trials Aetherion was finally cleared and his command restored, the faith placed in him by the chapter been revealed by the fact that he was sent back to Zion to track down Cypher. |