Step 1 - Initial concept:
One evening I just scribbled the above three drawings (Drawings 1-3) as a rough guide to Radoslav. I envisaged a monastary with circumferential defensive walls which were a feature of the Fortresses of the "Order" on Caliban. The floating Rock would have a ragged under surface where it had broken off from the planet whith massive engines buried towards the back. There would also be defensive rings of batteries and torpedo launchers as well as docking bays for the strike cruisers of the chapter. I thought it would be nice to have a planet in the back ground and some strike cruisers in the foreground to provide some idea of the massive size of this floating asteroid.
No ssoner had I sent the ideas did Radoslav return the favour with a most impressive artistic sketch. (Drawing 4) I knew then we were on the right track. The ease with which Rad captured my concept and turned it in to artwork is simply amusing. |