Describe the structure and history of your successor chapter within the following sub-headings.

Background + origin (founding number, circumstances of creation, recruitment process)
Home World (Where it is, what kind of world)
Chapter Structure (including current chapter master, named characters etc)
Colour Scheme (mention the colour of armour and each company's variations)
Combat Doctrine (Any deviation from the standard tactical doctrines)
Famous Battles (brief description of famous battles fought, victories and defeats)

Battle Cry (the battle cry of your chapter)


1. The submission must be in the English language.
2. The submission must contain a minimum of 1500 words and a maximum of 3000 words

Scoring system:

The entry will be marked out of a maximum total of 25 points.

Content of the six sub-sections of your chapter history will be marked on a scale of 0-2 and the total calculated. A maximum of 12 points can be scored for the 6 sub-sections.
(0 - poor; 1 - Good; 2 - Excellent;)

Battle Cry will be marked on a scale of 0-3.
0  No battle cry, no points
1  A simple battle cry
2  A meaningful battle cry which is in keeping with your chapter's background.
3  An evocative battle cry which makes our hair stand on end and want to charge headlong in to the enemy.

In addition to the above points that you would have scored, all entries will start with an extra 5 points and points will be added or deducted as follows:

Additional points are scored for the following reasons:  
+1 for the absence of spelling errors       
+1 for containing the correct word count       
+1 for maintaining fluff accuracy with the GW storyline               
+2 for the judges call (well they have earned the right to be subjective!)

Points are deducted for the following reasons:       
-1 for spelling errors
-1 for being above or below the word count.
-3 for contradicting existing fluff / known GW background

Described below, in detail, is the scoring system for this contest. Each of the three segments are scored separately and the total added together. The judges have significant leeway for their personal taste by way of the "Judges call" points.

You must submit an image of your chapter's banner / standard. This may be hand drawn or computer drawn, hand painted or computer coloured, but it must be completed with colours. It may be submitted as an image file or it may be mounted on a model of a standard bearer and the image of the miniature and standard sent together.

The banner contest would be scored as follows:

1. Originality of design
2. Quality of drawing / painting.
3. Relevance of the banner to the chapter's background
4. Overall feel

Each of the above sections will be marked between 1 and 5 for a maximum total score of 20.


An image of a single miniature that depicts the colour scheme of your chapter must be submitted. This could be any miniature (HQ, Tactical, assault, devastator, biker ) except for the non-independent characters of a command squad (ie apothecary, techmarine and standard bearer)
This must be accompanied by an image of the unpainted miniature to assure everyone that the submission is a new miniature.
The colour contest would be scored as follows:

1. Originality of the chapter colour scheme
2. Quality of painting.
3. Presence and quality of Conversions
4. Overall feel

Each of the above sections will be marked between 1 and 5 for a maximum total score of 20.

Spelling errors:
If you are going to enter this contest, you must at least make an effort to spell correctly with correct punctuations and capitals. Use the spell checker on your computer and then read what you have written a couple of times.

Many of you may not use English as your first language. So you WILL NOT be marked down for wrong use of grammar. We will correct that for you.

Word Count:
Stay within the limits set by the contest and you score one point mark, if not you loose one point.

The content subsections will be marked on a scale of 0  2 by each judge. Obviously these will be subjective but these judges are implacable members of the Deathwing and the Inner Circle and will judge you as impartially as it is possible.

Battle Cry:
This is self explanatory. The battle cry reflects the soul of the chapter, henceforth the special score set aside to it.

Total Score:
Each judge will total the score for each contestant and send in the points total out of 25. The values from each judge will be totaled and averaged to provide the final score.

The three overall winners must score a minimum of 50 points to be eligible to win the prizes. The subsections should score a minimum of 15 points to be eligible to win the prizes.

The final total score will be the sum of all three sections for a total of 65 points. To this will be added 5 points to be awarded on the discretion of the judges, simply based on their gut feeling of how much they like the overall result.

20 points max for Banner of the Unforgiven      
20 points max for Colour of the Unforgiven       
25 points max for Index Infidelis Venia        
5 points max for Judges Call                       

70 points maximum total.
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Detailed scoring system for the competition.
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