When Abaddon unleashed his 13 Black Crusade the activities of the Unforgiven chapters rose to a fever pitch. Here was the greatest concentration of their brotherly traitor space marines. The opportunity to track and hunt down the Fallen Dark Angels suddenly increased enormously in scope. It was expected that the Fallen would attempt to assault, defile or otherwise try and thwart and distract the Unforgiven efforts in the sector. The Inner Circle was prepared for this and their missions that have become public are listed below
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The Inner Circle spearheaded the discussions mainly within the B+C Dark Angel community when Andy Hoare released the preliminary version of the revised rules. The suggestions, advice and requests from the Dark Angel community were thoroughly analysed and relayed to Games Workshop's Games Development team with some of the suggestions being incorporated in to the revision. It is a testimony to the strength of such an approach that little complaints from the gaming Dark Angel public occured after the revision, and the involvement of such gamers was later extended to other revisions and codex releases. The revised Dark Angel rules were subsequently published inWhite Dwarf # 266 and also the Chapter Approved Annuals 2003 and 2004.
Revision of the Dark Angels Codex v 3.0

The Inner Circle will oversee and assess all such awards and their appropriateness for dispensation. Exceptional Dark Angel web sites will receive the Honoris Infidelis Venia web award while similar loyalist space marine sites will receive the Honoris Legio Astartes award. Suitable xenos sites will receive the Mortis Xenos Purgatos award shortly becaue a cleansing assault is launched whiel good general 40K sites will receive the Crucius castellum web award.
Revision of the Dark Angels Codex v 3.0

We hope to continue to work with Games Workshop Games Development towards producing a Dark Angels Codex that reflects the true ature of the chapter and its successors. In addition we will also periodically bring to the Dark Angel community, campaigns and missions perhaps in tandem with other GW world wide campaigns. 

This was the single most tedious but also the greatest achievement of the Inner Circle. The fellowship of six worked seamlessly from three different continents to produce a continuous eight week camapign parallelling the EOT campaign by Games Workshop. More than 400 gamers registered online, adding ther results to direct the course of our campaign. Much was achieved including superb battle reports, personal accounts and the narrative storyline. You can the details of the campaignby pressing the button on the left.
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