Squad: 5-10
Weapons: Close combat weapon and either a Bolter or a Bolt Pistol
Options: One Chaos Space Marine may be armed with one of the following heavy weapons, Lascannon, Missile Launcher, Autocannon, Heavy Bolter. One Chaos Space Marine may also be armed with one of the following special weapons, Plasma Gun, Meltagun, Flamer at or Plasma Pistol. The entire squad may be armed with Frag grenades and/or Krak grenades. The entire unit may be given a Mark of Chaos see Codex: Chaos for special rules. The unit may also have one or more veteran skills. NOTE that some marks will make stat and weapon option changes see Codex: Chaos for details. The squad may be lead by an Aspiring Champion at +13pts, the Aspiring Champion has access to the armoury in Codex: Chaos Space Marines.
Daemon Packs. Must be the same unit as the mark of the Fallen Lord. See Codex Chaos