Combat Doctrine Though they received a copy of the holy Codex Astartes from their Progenitor Chapter, they still follow a mainly Legion-style force. With five or ten strong squads to maximize firepower compared to the manpower used. The Paladins are always fielded in five-strong squads, while the Knights are fielded as either three strong or six strong squads. Optionally, the Knights are fielded with either an attack bike, a land speeder, or both, or as a squad mounted entirely in land speeders.
Organisation The Chapter follows a non-codex organisation. Squads are drawn from three different reserve companies, which are then put into a company of varying size, depending on the situation and campaign. The first company is always fielded in Tactical Dreadnought Armour and are known as Paladins; the Angels of Destruction's equivalent of the Dark Angels' Deathwing. While the second company is similar to the Ravenwing. Like all Unforgiven Chapters, the Angels of Destruction have their own Inner Circle. The Supreme Grand Master is the highest ranking member of the Inner Circle, and all Grand Masters and Masters are members to it.
Beliefs Since over half of the Chapter remembers the time that the Emperor walked among them, they acknowledge Him as a mighty warrior, a great leader, and as father to their Primarch, Lion El'Johnson, though they refuse to accept His divinity. Their Chaplains, however, do preach to the people of Walkura V of the Emperor's divinity, and that they are His Angels.
Geneseed Their geneseed, though mutated by chaos, is still one of the purest, and has lost none of its functions. The only difference with the Dark Angels' geneseed is the incompatibility with male genes. And as such, they have to recruit from the planet's female population. Many of who are stronger, tougher, and more capable then the men.
Battlecry Since they are still Dark Angels in mentality, they still use the same battlecry as they said ten thousand years ago. "Repent! For tomorrow you die!"